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Faculty-Led Programs

ODU's faculty-led programs are short-term experiences that typically take place over spring break or in the summer. These programs are taught and led by ODU faculty members and vary in length of time abroad from 10 days to one month. Most courses are 3 credits and include mandatory pre-departure classes and meetings, experiences abroad, and final projects upon return. Every spring, ODU faculty members have the opportunity to propose new courses for the next academic year, so the line-up of programs is different from year to year. The experience you have on these programs may vary greatly depending on the location and course content.

Click on any of the links below to learn more about the program of your choice!

Spring Break 2025
Program Name Location Associated Course(s)
Interprofessional Global Health Ireland HLSC 405, HNRS 396
Global Higher Education Systems Scotland HIED 744/844
Travel Writing: Key West Key West, Florida ENGL 231C, HNRS 100
Foundations of Special Education: Legal Aspects and Characteristics Puerto Rico SPED 400
Documentary Filmmaking Italy COMM/THEA 440, WCS 495
*students interested in taking a graduate level course associated with a program should contact the program faculty leader.
**Program and course offerings are subject to change

Summer 2025

Program Name Location Associated Course(s)
Scientific Diving Methods for Marine Research Florida BIOL 402/502
Studio Sound and Business Skills France MUSC 396, MUSC 496/596
Library Science Internship Puerto Rico LIBS 668
Comparative Justice, Cultural, & Social Studies United Kingdom CRJS 495/595
Queer Archives and the DIY Imagination New York City WGS 395, QUST 395
Fashion in Paris France SEPS 410, SEPS 510
The Arts in Early Childhood & Elementary Education Scotland TLED 330
Social Behavior of Vertebrates California BIOL 301
History & Culture in Senegal Senegal HIST/AAST 396, FR 495
Diversity and Cross-cultural Communication Barbados COMM 495/595
*students interested in taking a graduate level course associated with a program should contact the program faculty leader.
**Program and course offerings are subject to change